Saturday, October 9, 2004

Saturday Night Fever

So.... because i still had a responsibility to sell off some of the stuff at my old office, saturday i made appointments with 2 people who were either going to pick some stuff up or look at some stuff before buying. One guy came to take a couple of chairs, the fridge, an aircon unit, and i gave him some of the remaining small tables lying around. The other was interested in buying a used PowerMac G4 500 Mhz... already 4 years old... he was hooked instantly... but i never expected him to buy another broken down CPU (that supposedly could be fixed pretty easily, but i didn't know how)... so another guy went bringing not one, but two computers! haha. Still doesn't match the number of computers lying around at my room in Jakarta and my home in Serpong.. let's see... there's the laptop, a G4, a broken Pentium III CPU, my old desktop set, a Cyrix II 686 200 Mhz, and in Serpong there's an old Compaq Deskpro 6000 and an Epson Endeavor. 6 computers! more than the people in my family! i think my brother has a desktop and a laptop as well in his apartment in Tokyo. hahaha.. and i haven't included our vintage Apple IIc...

Anyway, after the buyers had went and lunch, i went home, fell asleep for a for a few hours, waiting for sacha to call, as she promised me she would accompany me shopping, i went to Ambasador with the intent of changing my Starone subscription to postpaid... to no avail. The requirements of application were pretty strict... so fuming in hopeless revenge, i bought a LOT of DVDs to watch at home... but at the moment i sat in the taxi, sacha called, and we rendevouzed at Pasaraya Grande.

Hmm... i needed a few better-fitting outfits for the new job, so Sacha helped me pick out a few shirts and pants that would look better on me (oh gawd, my fashion sense really needs to be sharpened, if there is one at all, hahaha)... i'm not gonna tell you what i bought and how much i spent though! let's just say, as a guy who until very recently got his clothes made by his mother (more because mom was always so happy if i asked for a pair of trousers or a shirt, not pure necessity), i've never spent that much money on purely clothes... and so, a trip of pure indulgence was concluded, hehehe...

afterwards we had dinner with Oettie and the gang at Daksa, and Sashie brought along a tarot card reader friend, so we all took turns in getting our cards read. The sum-up of my tarot card reading was, it seems that i am very lucky in my career, already having the necesary capital (not necessarily money) for a successful career; but at one point there was a big question between 2 choices. Now family life, it seems that there is a female with a dominant role in my life, even though i never realized it, and that she will be the key to my future success, if i could 'melt her heart'. hm... i wonder who that could be.

after dinner, we stopped by oettie's new place before going home..... and after i left behind my handphone at oettie's place. Stupid! i had to get it this morning...

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