Monday, May 28, 2012

[Music Monday] Selling Your Music On Foreign Shores

I've written previously on how we need to move on from the frame of mind that making money from music is confined to selling copies of our music recordings. I've even explained how selling digital files of your music will not work in Indonesia, and that we might even need to just forget about the issue of piracy altogether and think of new ways of reaching your fans with your music. But if you think that selling digital copies of your music internationally is a crucial part of your band's planning, then there are a few ways to do it, and it might make a lot of money for you and your band, too!

Expanding on the post that Widi Asmoro wrote responding to a previous post I wrote, he explained at length on how to prepare your music to be distributed through music aggregator Valleyarm to be sold at iTunesSpotifyemusicAmazon Mp3, and the Nokia Music Store. Going through Valleyarm will ensure your music will be distributed internationally, although I think only Nokia Music has official sales channels in Indonesia. But Valleyarm is not the only music aggregator company you can work with; there are many others to choose from.

Read the rest of the post on Dailysocial.

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