Wednesday, December 31, 2008
While I Can Think About It...
Today is a good day to be lazy, because the rest of the year has been reserved for hard work, whether I like it or not.
So, Happy New Year, folks!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Bedanya Jauh Ya...
Jauh kan? Coba kata 'parkir' diisi kata benda lain...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Good Morning
Friday, November 28, 2008
Roy Suryo Melaporkan Ahmad Dhani Ke Polisi
Gara-garanya, menurut pakar telematika tersebut, Ahmad Dhani melanggar undang-undang tahun sekian tentang penggunaan bendera, karena dalam videoklip Dewa 19 ada satu adegan logo Dewa 19 dengan latar bendera merah putih. Harusnya bendera merah putih nggak boleh ada tambahan sulaman, coretan atau tanda lain, berdasarkan undang-undang tersebut. Bapak Roy Suryo bahkan bawa barang bukti berupa videoklip.
Nah, gue punya pertanyaan nih.
kenapa Ahmad Dhani doang yang dilaporkan? Kan Dewa 19 ada 5 orang tuh.
terus, bukannya labelnya, EMI Music, yang bertanggung jawab atas produksi video?
dan, emang pertama kali bendera merah putih dipakai sebagai latar sesuatu? pasti udah banyak pelanggaran yang lain dong, nggak mau dilaporin juga?
Katanya ini bentuk tanggung jawab sebagai warga negara - ok deeeh.
Kok menurut gue banyak hal yang lebih penting yang bisa diurusin ya? Kalau memang pakar telematika, coba pikirin gimana caranya lebih banyak orang melek internet. Mungkin masyarakat butuh lebih banyak daripada sekedar klarifikasi keaslian foto porno artis.
Gue merasa tanggung jawab gue sebagai warga negara yang baik adalah membangun negara, minimal dari sekitar kita. Minimal mencerdaskan masyarakat, bukan memperbodoh. Telematika itu ilmu yang cukup luas dan aplikatif kan.
Oh, kalau gue nulis gini bisa kena tuntutan pencemaran nama baik ya? Nggak mencemarkan nama baik kok - cuma mempertanyakan tindakan orang. Boleh dong.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
What Do You Think?
Wouldn't you feel... worthless?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I Wonder What Else Can't Be Seen And Thus Not A Problem
The MUI has mentioned that they will not deem yoga 'haram' for Muslims in Indonesia. MUI leaders have said that 'if Malaysia enacts it, it doesn't mean we have to enact it', and that 'Indonesia does not have to enact it since Indian influence is weaker in Indonesia compared to Malaysia. They add 'There are only Indian influences in dangdut, nothing more' for effect.
Why isn't a ban needed? They say, no Muslims do it here. If there are, it can't be seen, so it's not a problem.
Okay man.
Pemerintah Ingin Melacak Penderita HIV/AIDS dengan menanam RFID
Katanya, supaya dapat melacak kelakuan pengidap HIV/AIDS yang 'agresif' yang dalam artian ini 'selalu mencari hubungan seks', dan 'ini untuk menghargai hak asasi orang yang sehat/belum mengidap AIDS'.
Memang katanya ini bagian dari kumpulan perda yang lebih besar... tapi.... emangnya ternak ya? Ternak di Indonesia aja belum ditanam RFID.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Isn't It Sad
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Feeling's Not Mutual
I shouldn't even be thinking this, it's not that important. But what are we if not defined by the people we love?
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Morning After
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I'm Glad
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
So Obama Wins, Yeay - A Blog Post Not About Obama
Monday, November 3, 2008
Midnight Thought
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Less Yoga Makes You Less Flexible
Through its intentions, even the much-debated Anti-Porn Bill has logic in it. The fatwa to be issues above shows how arcane the rules can be.
The fear is that those who practice yoga may deviate from Muslim teachings. Seeing that yoga comes from Hindu roots, that must be what they are talking about, because I can't figure out why. Never mind the proven benefits for health, how widespread yoga is around the world, in various countries of faith, or how general yoga has become that the Hindu part almost has no relevance.
I'm sure the kyais feel that nowadays, many Muslims are not good practitioners of their faith, and thus they try to create fences to keep everybody in line and return to the true path of Islam. But wouldn't it be better to inspire rather than repress? Why isn't there anybody showing us how to live as proper Muslims in the 21st century? Surely being a good Muslim has more to it than wearing a headscarf and Friday prayer.
And it certainly doesn't have anything to do with doing yoga or not.
Best Of Both Worlds
This is the Kalimantan Roll... well, what's left of it. I'm not too sure of the exact ingredients, but I'm pretty sure it's fish, some vegetables, and the total kicker: chilli. The small ones, the cabe rawit ones, that usually burn off your tounge but leaves you wanting more. Dip the roll into wasabi-filled soya sauce, and you'll know that torture for your tounge has never been so exquisite!
If you like spicy food, try it out! I always order this, and almost never any other dish.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Your Dollar Is A Tight Collar
Many Jakartans invest their money in foreign exchange, keeping up with the conversion rates and economy news that might affect one sort of currency compared to another. There are stories where forex investors made it big - the story of the Indonesian who became a billionaire because of investing in the Iraqi dinar pre-invasion - but many times, there are so many factors that affect the value of a currency that it can't be measured. Hence, investing in forex is often like gambling - you know what the safe bets are, but you might get a bigger windfall if you invest in the more exotic bets. Even more comparisons to gambling arise when results of a day's work are almost the same, whether you did painstaking research or just threw some money in and sat back while the market rolls.
These guys are no doubt making good money with the US dollar rising and rising compared to the rupiah - at our expense - while the economy slows due to various businesses tying themselves up to the US dollar value, which is surprisingly still considered a stable standard (which it isn't anymore). Businesses the country over are expecting lower sales of their products, i.e. electronics which are usually based on the market's US dollar value. In the meantime, it is becoming more expensive to export products overseas, as rates for shipping, handling and customs are pegged to the US dollar as well.
The current scarcity of the US dollar - and thus partly the reason for its rising price - is also indirectly caused by the US economic recession; where individuals and companies are scrambling to get any dollar they can get to revive the economy. It's strange when the people in the US financial institutions screw up, the rest of the world ultimately winds up paying the price. The perceived stability of the US dollar - and the seemingly endless supply of it - was a big lie, proven by the fact that the US banks seemed to lose billions of dollars, just like that. So now they want their real dollars back.
So instead of us strangling ourselves worrying about somebody else's currency, why don't we just worry about our own Rupiah? Here are simple things you can do:
- always buy domestic products. Your money spent should go back to Indonesians, not some overseas investor
- stop forex trading - it just makes matters worse. Start investing in local stock or a local company. Yep, you heard me.
- try to avoid buying stuff that is pegged to the US dollar. I know that sometimes it can't be avoided, but try to limit it all the same. The stores/companies that put dollar prices on their products transfer the risk of exchange rate differences to the customer.
- take a holiday - in Indonesia. Spend your well-earned Rupiah on local hotels, restaurants and so on. Don't spend all your money overseas unless you don't have a choice.
- Save money. If you save money in the bank, the banks stay healthy and keep the Rupiah flowing properly.
Saving the country means you have to do something as well, and these are a few things that are very simple and can be done by anybody. Let's forget about the politicians battling it out for votes and make the change ourselves
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Day Indonesia Changed
Today our country changed - for the worse. And this is just the first step.
For those already playing with thoughts of going off to another, perhaps more reasonable country, let me urge you this - we must not let them win. We must fight, not with weapons or armies, but words, thoughts, knowledge, and communities. The fight for our nation is here.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Belated Post: Why This Darn Blog Is Still Around After 4 Years
Friday, October 24, 2008
4 Years And Still Going Strong... Sort Of
For every year we grow, we change into something, which could be the same, but could also be a little different. Over the years I have learnt that work isn't everything, but if you want to fill your life with work, make sure it's something you love. There is never enough money so make do - at some point you'd have to let go of worldly belongings anyway. Compromise is your greatest negotiation asset. And... patience really is a virtue.
So here's to the 4th year of this blog, and the 4th year at a company that never gets boring.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Maybe Because Watching Porn Makes People Too Lazy To Do Anything Else
A few things come to mind:
- The government will be willing to discriminate between foreign and domestic tourists in the name of anti-pornography. It's ok for Sue to wear a bikini but totally wrong for Jamilah.
- Why are the buggers talking about bikinis on bule when they should be talking about the law's relevance?
- How do they expect to control foreign vs. local tourists? Maybe the public can help since they are allowed to 'directly involve' themselves in the bill's enforcement.
- It's also OK, apparently, for Sue to wear provocative clothing and do acts that incite sexual lust, but totally wrong for Jamilah. I guess this provision is here so the government can legally import Russian prostitutes.
- I really don't know why the DPR is going over and over about this when there are many, many more dire problems at hand.
Throw the bill in the trash and do something useful guys, like work on how to raise the level of welfare? I don't see any colleration between the abolishment of porn to common welfare.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
PT Bis Ugal-ugalan
Monday, October 20, 2008
Aktifkan RBT Krayola!
Vote For Krayola!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Unending Bitterness And Continuous Entropy
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Auto 2000 - Lack Of Service And Courtesy
Like a good Astra customer, I looked up the nearest Auto 2000 garage and settled on the one at T.B Simatupang. We arrived there at 3 pm, a good hour before closing time. There was supposedly a queue number machine, but it could not be seen anywhere, and after watching some other people, apparently the machine was outside. Yes, logical.
So we went back in and sat down, and there was only one CS guy making inane chatter with a customer, and a few other guys doing God knows what, carrying bundles of documents with them, seemingly waiting for another CS. When finally we got a chance to talk to this one CS guy - the only one there out of the 10 CS consoles - and after 15 minutes of waiting, the guy simply said 'we're about to be closed soon, so we can't accept any new customers today'. All said with a stupid smirk.
Flashback to May this year - we went to the same Auto 2000 office to ask about a new Avanza, where the sales rep said that the price and the interest are subject to change even after we made our downpayment, and the new car will only be available in October. Somehow this didn't strike me as a good deal, although I'm guessing this is standard in the auto industry - and the sales rep had this 'I don't need you, you need me' snobbish air about him - probably thinking that he doesn't need to waste time with customers since they come anyway. I might be overreacting, but there are a million ways to treat people, and that guy chose to be snobbish.
Back to this afternoon - we left Auto 2000 without a problem solved and another bad impression - and trundled on to Dutamas Fatmawati where we got the rear view mirrors and power window fixed in 30 minutes.
Seriously, what is wrong ya? My Dad also had a bad experience with Auto 2000. Back when he was still using the Corona, there was trouble starting the engine, but not so much, so Dad took the Corona there with the expectation that service will be good, the parts complete, the repairmen knowledgeable. The Corona came out having even more trouble starting up and having a certain component removed - Dad became angry. Why would the car run worse after servicing? So he told the Auto 2000 guys that he's not paying one cent and he wants the Corona returned to its original state.
So Auto 2000 - better appreciate your customers better. Today's Avanza owners might become tomorrow's Camry owners, if they stay loyal to the Toyota brand, that is.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Souled Out
My thoughts on the festival? JFP have done it again; although the crowd wasn't as packed as you would see at Java Jazz Festival - the other big event run by JFP, if you don't know - I think that for a first-of-its-kind event, the turnout was good, the lineup of booth partners was interesting (there was only 1 empty booth), the sponsors got strong branding, and the music was good. There was even a small tent/room where kids could come and DJ or breakdance - something very interesting to put in the show's program. And yes, I mean kids - I think 80% of the visitors were high school students, complete with hip hop attire. The rest of the people there were either media, part of the commitee, sponsors, or simply a client who got free tickets.
It got me feeling old. Oh well.
The complete ripoff was not the show itself - it was the parking! The kids guarding cars outside the venue - and inside the Senayan sports area - asked for IDR 20.000!!! That's on top of the IDR 3.000 per car that is paid at the entrance of the complex. And if you go there by taxi, good luck finding one going home, which will probably cost you more.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Why You Should Care Who Becomes The Next US President
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Who Would Joe The Plumber Be In Indonesia?
I'll Send You My Portfolio
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Are You Annoyed By The Ambiquity Of 'Thing' In This Post? :D
Monday, October 13, 2008
Krayola on Prambors!
The Older You Get...
Monday, October 6, 2008
It's Not That We're Not Grateful, But...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The news of melamin showing up in Chinese milk products shows how desperate the companies are for better margins (and more money).
I read about middle-class Californians living in their cars in Santa Barbara, because they lost their homes.
America is digging its own hole with the $700 billion bank bailout.
Japan's government is a mess while their economy is also hurt by the goings-on in America - and they posted a rare trade deficit.
Russia is pissing off everybody, to no apparent reason.
For all its faults, Indonesia doesn't seem so bad anymore.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Habib Riziek, My New Hero
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Pornografi Apa?
Kadang-kadang menarik untuk membaca artikel dari website berita asing yang membahas kejadiaj-kejadian di Indonesia – seperti disahkannya RUU Pornografi. Yang tersirat dari artikel tersebut adalah wartawan yang menulisnya sedang geleng-geleng kepala dan berkata, ‘ tujuannya apa sih?’
Gue harus agak setuju – pornografi memang tidak dimaksudkan untuk konsumsi masal, dan perlu ada usaha untuk menghindari materi tersebut diakses anak-anak di bawah umur. Untuk orang dewasa, ini lebih ke persoalan kontrol diri dan pendirikan – dan media yang bertanggung jawab. Bukannya sebuah undang-undang justru menjaga ini? Kita bahkan gak bisa mengatur motor-motor di jalanan, tapi masa kita mau mengatur baju yang dipakai orang, yang adalah pasal terabsurd dari undang-undang ini? Bukannya mencari cara untuk dapat mengayomi semua orang, malahan melarang semuanya; lebih tidak merepotkan. Gue nggak bilang pornografi itu bener – dan gue ga mau jadi orang munafik juga – tapi kan bisa diatur dengan lebih baik, ketimbang dianggap seolah-olah usus buntu terinfeksi.
Itu kayak ngomong bahwa ‘karena gue nggak bisa mengendalikan nafsu gue, elu perlu berhenti berpakaian seksi atau berbuat yang membangkitkan nafsu’. Sama aja dengan spanduk-spanduk yang gue pernah liat yang mengatakan ‘untuk yang berpuasa, selamat berpuasa. Untuk yang tidak berpuasa, hargailah yang sedang berpuasa’ – yang menurut gue egois dan hanya berpikir dari satu sisi aja. Kapan dong kita sebagai Muslim menghargai orang lain? Konon katanya kita nggak bisa mengucapkan Selamat Natal. Gue nggak melihat alasan kenapa kita harus berpikir kita lebih baik dari orang lain – terutama karena kasus-kasus seperti ini justru menunjukkan sebaliknya.
Lagi-lagi orang-orang yang seharusnya lebih tahu dari kita, dan lebih pintar dari kita – seperti temen-temen di DPR/MPR – telah menunjukkan sebaliknya. Kancah politik malah memperbodoh bangsa – dan undang-undang pornografi adalah sebuah gerakan politis, dan bukan moral, yang membuatnya sesuatu yang bodoh – dan di saat moral harusnya mengenai pengertian, politik memaksa moral menjadi isu polisi pikiran.
Gimana caranya kita mau keluar dari lubang dan bergabung dengan masyarakat dunia, kalau politisi kita malah menarik kita makin dalam?
Friday, September 19, 2008
What Porn?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
It Is Only A Wordly Desire.... Yet There Is Desire
And they are making a big deal of a new software feature called Genius, which basically matches up your playlist with what is the most suitable - we'll see about that.
Something about the Apple marketing machine just makes people simply want.
Attention Moonlighters
It's also proof of the sad state of affairs in Thailand - politics resorting to appearances on cooking shows to bring down an opponent.... what's next, voting for your president through a cook-a-thon?
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Crash Into Me
Entering the Semanggi area from the direction of Slipi, we were nearing the ramp off down to Sudirman, where I planned to go straight and make the turn to Plaza Semanggi ahead when suddenly a gold-coloured Innova cut us off at high speed and crashed his rear to the right of our front end. It was so fast that I didn't have time to brake, so a small collision was unavoidable. Luckily it was more of a brush, and so when the Innova continued its turn down to Sudirman, I took chase and flashed my lights to him several times before he finally stopped in front of GKBI.
When he stopped and got out, he was already bowing apologies while checking his car. I stopped the car right behind him, and almost punched his lights out. I might of did so as well if the person didn't have the tact to know that he was the one in the wrong. I yelled at him for a few minutes, before asking his responsibility for this matter. He said I should follow him to his office to sort things out... which is in Tanjung Priuk. Too jacked up with adrenaline to think straight, I gave him my card (which he said his office will call me on Monday) and told him this should be a lesson - what if the crash was worse? How would he live with it?
To this minute nobody has called. Insurance can cover the damage to the car, but not to my temper.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Help out one or the other? It tears me up... even when I already had made the decision...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
We'll Miss Your Music
We'll miss you and your music, man.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
63 Years Down The Drain... Really?
But really, after 63 years, do we have anything to show for it? Yes. We have our country, our nation, our flag, our culture and our language - something a lot of other people don't really have.
We need to show that we are worthy of it - we need to earn our place in this hard-fought country. We may even have to fight our countrymen whose self-interest goes above the greater good - the 21st century 'war' - but fight we will.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
On Leave
with nothing in particular to do... that's the point! So if I don't pick up the phone, yeah well... the phone is on leave as well, so it doesn't fry out either :D
Thursday, July 10, 2008
It's Time To Take A Stand
Nothing is worth burning my brains out over.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Promises We Can't Keep
A project is done between bosses, and a brief is handed down to us lowly executives. The promise also includes off-site support from another office. The actual support is key to the deal...
Yet the support can't be delivered, but you take the shit from the client, since you can't deliver.
Manage the client, they say.
I say, if I want to manage a client well, I better make damn well sure my side has done all the promises.
So now, I can't deliver on a promise I didn't make.
Is it my fault?
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Our New "Pet"
The past few months, a frog has dug in and made it his (or her?) home, well at least, bed for the daytime naps (since he/she goes off somewhere during the night). We named the frog Zuma, and claimed it as our pet, although we really don't feed it anything. I think you can figure out what one of our favorite computer games are.
Any tips on what to feed a frog?
Krayola @ Wapres
Friday, June 20, 2008
Birthday Giftlist
1. Sony Ericsson P1i. Upgrade on my M600i...
2. Asus EEE PC. Gadget-boy toy.
3. 3G iPhone of course....
4. my old car! but in better shape. with a Mac installed to monitor car status, GPS maps, and so on.
5. the sudden disappearance of termites from my house, followed by a sudden automatic repair and reinforcement of the wood frames.
6. one of those Honda robots to help around the house. Just keep it charged and it'll be happy; no need to worry about giving it a phone allowance.
7. an airship company that I can convert into an alternative mass-rapid transport service, so I don't have to drive 2 hours to the office.
8. media server for the house. Since we have so many audio and video files on our computers at home it's eating up the virtual memory space.
9. one of those Honda robots to do house security, so the kids from the nearby village stop stealing lightbulbs.
10. free airline tickets to Bali for me and Saski, every year. Oh don't forget the free hotel vouchers.
11. a tandem bike. So I can ride a bike and persuade Saski to ride it with me. So very Soeharto, yes?
12. a new Macbook hahaha
... the list is seemingly endless.
So what do I actually want for my birthday?
A happy surprise will do ;)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Krayola @ Jakarta Fair 2008
If you can't see the slideshow, here's the link.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Goodbye And Thanks, Ario
The Corona was bought by my Dad not long after we moved back from Sydney in 1988, when I was still in 4th grade. I gave a portion of my savings to buy it. There was a point in time when Mom picked me up after school in the car. When we moved to Bogor, the car was my Dad's main mode of transport to the office, about 45 minutes away, until the office gave him an office car to use. When that happened, the Corona stayed home and I was in charge of warming it up every afternoon. My first taste of the wheel.
By the time I could drive, my parents let me use the car for after school activities (which was mostly cramming courses because it was the only way my parents could get me to study). Well, that and then some :) I think a lot of people grew up in high school around the car - if you had a set of wheels, you were cool! But then again, my friends drove their Mercedes to school.
When I went back to Bandung for college, I didn't bring the car along as Bandung was a very public-transport friendly place (note the term was). The car joined me eventually because I had to go back and forth between Bandung and Bogor for my research, and was a big help in all those late night dinners and midnite matinees :D. I held on to the car until graduation, when it got me to and from my first workplace in Bandung.
When I finally moved to Jakarta in 2003, I wasn't inclined to drive a car in the traffic-ingested streets of Jakarta, and chose public transport, which led me to move out of my parent's house in Serpong and move closer to my office in Jakarta Selatan. The car didn't come with me and Dad didn't have the time or energy to maintain it, so I persuaded Dad to sell the Corona and get a newer car. Dad finally sold it to an office friend and got a 2003 Kijang. I said goodbye, thinking that I would never see the car again.
Fast forward to 2006 - taking cabs everyday to and from Saskia's house was starting to burn holes in my pocket, so I started seriously considering on buying a car. The thought was actually from a year earlier, when I was considering on getting a VW Beetle (good price, easy repair and spare parts), but I didn't go as far as looking at cars yet. One day Dad called and saw the Corona - the previous owner put up a For Sale sign on the car! "Do you want to buy it?" Dad asked. I said "I'm interested, since it's an old car that I actually know what the kinks are, so as long as the car has aircon, I'll take it!" Sure enough, the previous owner installed an aircon so I borrowed some money from Dad and bought the car. In the process of bringing the car to good condition, I invested in a new aircon system, some new tires, a new battery and alternator, suspension servicing and so on. Let's just say, if the car wasn't so hungry for gas, I think I'd still be using it.
The recent price hike forced me and Saskia to decide to let go of the car and buy a used Avanza. We considered on lending the car to a friend instead of selling, but ultimately decided against it. Taking care of an old car like the Corona takes a certain patience and perseverence, and it would be selfish to burden that on others just because we didn't want to sell the car. So that led to today.
We sold the car to the son of my parent's friend, married and recently started work, strapped of cash and wanting an alternative to borrowing their parent's car or taking their baby on the motorcycle. The price we sold the car was below market value (as it is a collector's item), and he bought the car in installments (not cash). Saskia and I thought that these guys really need the car more than we do and we didn't mind being paid in installments, as long as good ol' 'Ario' can be of help to someone else. So we waved goodbye to 'Ario' this afternoon... I feel so sad, but I'm glad that the car is now in a position to help someone else, and not sit in some collector's garage and eat dust.
So long, old buddy. Keep helping those in need, like you helped me and my family - and hope to see you again!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Spread Firefox!
(By the way, I use Flock now...)
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Only For You
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The Power Of Opinion, Yours And Mine
In the ideal utopian society, all information would be shared for a better common understanding; yet with all the information systems available since the dawn of modern times (marked by the writing of history), humans remain seperated by race, geograhpy, intelligence, religion, culture, hobbies, favorite color and so on.
It's one thing to disagree on a favorite song; and it's another thing to disagree on religious principles. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and is also entitled to respect the right of opinion of others.
Somehow, people remember the former than the latter better. Still OK, somewhat; some people just don't care what other people think.
But when anarchy steps in, when violence steps in... that is where the line crosses.
I don't care whether if someone is right or wrong; in my view the ultimate truth will never reveal itself to us as it is divine knowledge -- but somehow may people of the earth think they know better and continue to torture those who do not think alike: in Abu Gharib, in Nepal, in Myanmar, and in Jakarta, to name a few places.
It's one thing to have an opinion - it's another thing to maim or kill someone for believing something else.
So here's my opinion: FPI can rot in hell for all I care. You'd think a "leading" Muslim organization would give a positive example for other Muslims... well, they don't, and they give us shame.
What's your opinion?
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Rising Price Of Life
One is, the global price of crude oil itself has risen, and as a processed-oil exporter (not importer), the price just went up for us as well. So if we want to remove a lot of pain from the country's budget, the subsidies for gas must be partly lifted. So now we feel the pain.
The other is, raising the price of gas is not the problem in itself, but it is the perceived psychological impact on everything else - rising prices of everything, the less-to-dos doing worse because of it, and so on. The working wisdom is that if gas prices go up, everything else goes up, in a time where everyone wants everything cheap or free. An article indicated that the price of gas in Indonesia went up 37 times in the past 42 years. Yeah well... a lot happens in 42 years... not to mention that gas prices at other countries go up or down regularly, like any other commodity.
I agree that raising gas prices is a drastic measure for a country like ours, but it does not mean that we have to go off and burn tyres and make a general mess of things. Civil disobedience can only get you so far, and crosses lines to anarchy very easily. Why do the thousands of people protesting do not offer an alternative solution? If asked this they expect that the government should be the smarter one to figure things out. Well, aren't they?
The new gas price hurts me and hurts us all but I do not find fault with it - the biggest mistake of the government is lack of foresight. Public transport is still a mess, there are no local developments whatsoever on alternative energy sources (despite all the noise about 'blue energy' in the press) and electric or hybrid cars - although very logical for Jakarta and other cities - aren't even sold anywhere. Well you do hear ads here and there yet people still love their gas-guzzling cars and motorcycles and wouldn't make a bold first step to an alternative.
We are all spoilt and corrupt, and it is time to change it; we can't expect the government to change things for us. Stop protesting and start changing.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Read the article here.... I don't even think I have to elaborate much on this!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Getting Older, Growing Up
me: well, it's your decision, it's your life... just to state the fact, I think your significant other doesn't know what he's talking about
+: yes I argued all night but I promised to respect our joint decision
me: ok. I think you made the wrong decision but I will bless whatever you decide :) and I'll prove your significant other wrong!
Part of growing up is letting go, and letting your friends make their own decisions. We have to make sure they are informed decisions, but at the end of the day, it's their life. Anyway, I could be wrong about what I think, right? We may love our friends dearly, but we have to acknowledge that we are not responsible for them - they are.
So good luck... because you'll need it ;)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Plis Deh Jakarta!
It's actually an old blog but the writers decided to relaunch it under their own domain name.
Not to be confused with which is totally different. You can check it out if you like, he he...
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I Miss The Old Days
Occasionally we would also get together on the weekend to do something also; and we'd still spend time talking to each other at the office, through SMS or phone, chat and so on.
And more importantly, we could leave work behind at the office and live a little.
Now, I go home late, get less excersize and and sleep all through the weekend.
Call me a cynic, but I really do miss the old days, sometimes.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Beware Of Blistering-Fast Internet Speeds!
It's fast and comparable with its' postpaid counterpart. I am fulfilling my promise to promote the IM2 Prepaid pack to my friends at IM2, with a small note: If you're using the connection a lot, you'd be using up your initial allowance of bandwidth if you're not careful - it's that fast! I'd recommend staying away from video or image-heavy sites if you want to keep your internet spending from being fantastically expensive.
Sometimes Being Sick Is Necessary
In these days, where companies grudgingly give you a token's worth of leave allocation, instead of actually rewarding their employees, off days are a premium and can only be used for something really, really worthwhile. Same goes for salaries; there are many cases where the company finally coughs up a raise for a certain employee at the brink of said employee leaving to another company. Employees, in the corporate world, are costs rather than assets, and when a global company needs to maintain its stock price, one of the tried-and-true methods is 'streamlining' or cutting staff.
I can't say that this mindset is wrong as companies, being companies, need to think about their future livelihood, but it doesn't say much for average Joe whiling away in his cubicle trying to make his next target.
The workforce is much more competitive, as is business, in a day where economies are starting to collapse. If one of the largest banks in America can collapse, so can the average Joe with too much to do.
So here I am, at home, typing this blog post because I still can't sleep, trying to chase away a mild fever which has me feeling a bit weak today. Fortunately, the mind is also not strong enough to think about work, so I'm giving my head an unfortunate, but necessary rest, as tomorrow is another long day with many tasks ahead.
So hopefully I can say 'I'm glad to be sick today' and be karma-free from that statement!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Appraisal Time Sucks
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Speedtest: AXIS 3G
I'd say it's not too bad... although I have read in the mailing lists that the connection tends to lag after connected; something wrong with the ISP gateway rather than our connection to the network. In my case, so far so good.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
When Things Get A Little Out Of Hand...
I'm sorry dear...
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
In Reaction To The Sad Times Today
Tolak Roy Suryo
It might be futile, but it's a stand we all should make.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Open Survey About Gadgets, Please Read!
We live in a comparatively technological world now, where almost everybody in urban areas use handphones, use the internet, send SMSes like there's no tomorrow, and more or less use technology to help us in our daily activities.
But do you think you are making the most of what your phone can do? Are you using the right PDA? Do you wonder on what's the best deal for a mobile internet connection? Are you confused on which iPod to get?
The objective of this small survey is to get an idea on how much we use modern technology as a part of our everyday lives, and the extent of the use.
Do you have any of these gadget-related questions? Let me know by posting a comment on this post.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Just While We're In The Geek Moment
Better Internet Connection
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I'm Pissed Of Now... Finally
If it's a pissing contest, I concede, I was never any better at you, just different. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. We all, however, have our egos as well.
Funny thing is - you don't like it when people underestimate you... but do you see how you're treating me? And all I have ever done is stand by what I think is right, and help. Including helping you. Yet you keep patronizing me.
Why does everybody have to follow what you think? There's no right or wrong, man, there's just choices. Your choices and way of thinking do not necessarily apply to somebody else - so don't judge everyone else because they don't agree with you.
I have never broken a promise to support, and I have always offered support. What have you done? Twist words around and around. Stop and think, and look at what you're doing! The big picture doesn't stop at you.
Now, after almost 10 years, i'm finally pissed off, really pissed off. You reap what you sow. If you think I'm treating you like shit, well, try asking yourself, are you treating me like shit?? Try analyzing yourself for once, instead of praising yourself all the time.
It's not about what is owed in return, but it's about principle - mutual support. I don't see that, I don't feel that. Not in the 10 years past, and not now. So full of yourself, eh?
So when it comes to reminding of obligations, you just breeze it off and talk about what you want from me. Take, take, take... with no appreciation whatsoever. I'm not one to bask in appreciation, adoration from others, but well, there's a limit, right? Is it normal? Is it human? Try picturing this happening to you.
Let me give you some business advice: try to see what you and your client can achieve together, and you reap your rewards and gain a loyal client through it. Don't just think what the client can do for you.
Hopefully you know who you are if you're reading this. This is a warning. Come 14th March, things will change.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Finally, The House Is Almost Done
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Creating A New Life
The house itself has been empty for quite some time after the previous tenants did not continue their lease, and since it's pretty far off from the white collar districts, it was a bit hard to get new tenants. My parents and my brother provided us the option of staying there (and taking care of the house) rather than we go off and lease out a house. Leasing a house closer to the central business district is pretty expensive, so although we would spend more on gas, we would definitely be able to manage other costs better.
Now, the question is, is my ancient Corona 2000 going to survive the daily traffic jams (2+ hours each way)? We'll just have to see.
We'll post some pictures of the house (and our layout) after we're done; officially, we'll be living there starting February 1.