Saturday, December 31, 2005

A Short Look Back on 2005

Today is New Year's day, and I woke up at about 7 PM since I already slept at about 11.45 PM last night. Such a good night's sleep, as my body was really tired from the more-than-normal workout yesterday.

Since I'm usually in a contemplating mood on the new year, here's a look back on 2005:
In love with the ghost in the other room; and still struggling to speed up the pace at work. Had a nice short trip to Bali though. And finally, I let go of my PDA of 2 years for a smartphone.
My harddisk crashed! And 3 years' worth of data, gone. Dreading the coming of March...
One of the busier months of the year. Participated in Java Jazz Festival 2006 as, well, something, and only a week later, off to Bangkok. I got my iPod! Alas, March came with a loss as well...
Still brooding with a loss, yet excited with another... going off to Kuala Lumpur at the end of the month.
Fell in love, with apparently the wrong woman... and this would drag on for months. The Boyz II Men concert was okay, though; a lifelong dream.
My 27th birthday, and still clueless about the world... and about women. Still tossin' and turvin' with the same old problem, oblivious to the truth...
Busy at work, lots of projects to follow up. Heart still hanging in limbo... yet yearning for more
Whose face do you see in the glittering starry midnight? And other stories. Work is hell as usual. Did a strange trip covering 3 cities in 2 days.
Less sleep, but more fun waking hours :)
Finally had time for a holiday, and I went to Kuala Lumpur, again. I must love that place... my wallet is still hurting from that trip. Other areas of life seemingly resolved but somewhat not.
Very busy month, work and social engagements, Lebaran also... and starting to move on, finally. But apparently, I have time to fall in love with the morning haze...
Achieved a higher level of clarity, giving me more satisfaction and evenness in those small minutes of the day... Work is a mix between slow and hectic, towards the new year...

Apparently, internal change is much more important to me, and I really think... 2005, despite all the trials and tribulations, has left me with something better... so, even if you were a total bitch, here's to you, 2005!

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