Yesterday, was a long day at work. First there was this big meeting about a program we were going to run with a few other companies, so only on my 5th day, i was already exposed to the larger corporate environment, handing out business cards like confetti. After stopping by a potential partner's office, i came back to the office relatively late, and only had time to follow-up emails after some discussions with my boss. Not to mention, i suddenly had a splitting headache during the afternoon. Is this one of the trappings of office building life?
Anyway, i texted Sacha and Vira to see what they were doing later that night, as i felt the need to unwind again (oh dear, this shouldn't become a habit... it only means more money spent).. Vira was going to her sister's, so I hooked up with Sacha for dinner at Plangi, with the intention of shopping for some groceries also.
Over dinner we talked about the usual stuff (me, i usually complain about everything, haha).. and suddenly, i just said, "I need to sing." And Sacha said... "Want to go to karaoke?" and enough, that was a pretty good idea... so we called up Coki and Citra, and ended up at Picnic Family Karaoke at ITC Fatmawati, haha.... and sang the night away. Singing is also good therapy, i must say.
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